Stress And Work-Life Balance course is offered by Learnedge Academy.The concept was basically to develop a one-stop solution for all career needs, Be it your personal development, communication skills, going global with foreign languages, or getting the right kind of career guidance.
Stress and Work-Life Balance course is offered by Learnedge Academy.The concept was basically to develop a one-stop solution for all career needs, Be it your personal development, communication skills, going global with foreign languages, or getting the right kind of career guidance.
We believe in imparting education in a way that can transform the lives and careers of individuals who can use, learn and have the right kind of knowledge.
Programs are customized to help a person looking for self-development to increase confidence or looking for the right kind of guidance to boost a career. The mentorship programs of learning can be used to provide that learning and knowledge.
Learned is a Private Limited company with Pan India operations. The concept was basically to develop a one-stop solution for all career needs, Be it your personal development, communication skills, going global with foreign languages, or getting the right kind of career guidance.
We believe in imparting education in a way that can transform the lives and careers of individuals who can use, learn and have the right kind of knowledge.
Programs are customized to help a person looking for self-development to increase confidence or looking for the right kind of guidance to boost a career. The mentorship programs of learning can be used to provide that learning and knowledge. Learned answers to questions like.
why you should look for it, who to contact, where to go, how to learn a foreign language. how to develop skills to have that extra edge to your learning.
Stress Management Workshop is offered by Midas Soft Skills. Please note that the modules can be offered individually or in any permutation combination. The duration can generally range from two hours and go up as long as is requireddepending on the nature of programme.
Stress Management course is offered by HIMS. Today your company has professionals with excellent technical skills.
Stress Management is offered by CTC Training Resources.Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards. Each person is powerful, resourceful and creative. Born with unique talents and gifts, we have a deep need to express ourselves authentically in the world.
Stress Management course is offered by RIMSR. The courses are highly adaptive and sensitive to the changing training needs of students & professionals. Rangnekar Institute of Management Studies and Research(RIMSR), is a private education trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act, 1832.
Managing Stress Course is offered by Education For Everyone. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
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