Our TOEFL exam preparation course system is targeted to helping get your best possible exam result. Our trained teachers will give you the skills to see what you need to work on to succeed at the TOEFL exam.
Our TOEFL exam preparation course system is targeted to helping get your best possible exam result. Our trained teachers will give you the skills to see what you need to work on to succeed at the TOEFL exam.
The TOEFL test is a widely respected English language test. It measures your ability to use English at the university level and is recognized by over 8,000 institutions in more than 130 countries, including the majority of North American universities.
Study with EC English and you can approach this valuable exam with complete confidence. That’s because our TOEFL course system focuses on the key areas of exam strategy, exam thinking, and wider English language skill.
Want to gain access to the education of your dreams. Our Academic English course will prepare you for success in an English-speaking university environment. Need to take an official exam? We can give you the skills and confidence to excel with our Exam Preparation courses.
With the majestic Table Mountain nestled in the background and the sea all around, Cape Town is an awe-inspiring city filled with natural beauty. Learn English in Cape Town, surf, hike, or cycle after your lessons,
Use your new language skills to explore the culinary scene that Cape Town is famous for. South Africa’s “Mother City” is incredibly diverse, with old and new cultures coming together to make something unique and spectacular.
TOEFL Preparation course is offered by ABC International South Africa for all skill level. ABC International provide students with the necessary English Language skills for essential living in the professional and academic world with a focus on Applied English.
The Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL is used as an admission requirement for non-native English speakers at many English-speaking universities and colleges.
We focus on developing all four language skills in the lessons; Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing and strive to make our lessons interactive. At the end of your course, you will have to take several tests to ensure that you are ready to write the official examination.
TOEFL Exam Preparation course is offered by Essential English for all skill level. Our courses are designed to help you improve your English from the very first lesson.
Our clients have come to us from a wide variety of national origins and native languages, and we have helped tens of thousands of students improve their TOEFL scores and academic English.
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