Turkish course is offered by Greater Essex County District School Board. Our courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced teacher who are extremely dedicated to ensuring you leave with all the necessary skills to broaden your horizons and never be lost for words again.
Turkish course is offered by Greater Essex County District School Board. Our courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced teacher who are extremely dedicated to ensuring you leave with all the necessary skills to broaden your horizons and never be lost for words again.
The Greater Essex County area is the fourth most diverse community in Canada. Experience the dynamic, friendly and cultural region of Windsor and Essex County. Our booming sectors include business, industry, arts and agriculture that thrive in the mild climate of southern Ontario. With quick access to the United States, enjoy a wide selection of major entertainment, pro spots, shopping and dining experiences.
Who can register for the International Languages Program
When will classes take place
What languages are available
Classes are offered based on student enrolment numbers. Any language may be offered for which there are 25 students and an available instructor. Languages potentially offered include:
Turkish: one of the world’s 15 most widely spoken languages. With Turkey’s strategic location, the language stretches between Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Learning Turkish is a valuable asset to anyone interested in travelling to those regions or making business stakes av...
Turkish Language is offered by Thames Valley for all skill level. The Thames Valley learning community inspires innovation, embraces diversity, and celebrates achievement - a strong foundation for all students.
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