Most people need to obtain credit to get the goods they want, and to pay these items off in instalments. To ensure that credit providers do not take advantage of consumers, consumer rights in South Africa are protected under the National Credit Act (No. 34 of 2005) (NCA).
Most people need to obtain credit to get the goods they want, and to pay these items off in instalments. To ensure that credit providers do not take advantage of consumers, consumer rights in South Africa are protected under the National Credit Act (No. 34 of 2005) (NCA).
Discover how this legislation seeks to regulate the credit industry and promote responsible lending practices by credit providers, as well as responsible behaviour by consumers.
Uncover the impact of debt review on a credit agreement with specific focus on the re-arrangement of consumer’s credit obligations as well as discussing the different institutions created under the NCA.
This Online Short Learning Programme is ideal for any individual that works in the credit and financial services industry that needs to understand credit agreements business managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, entry-level finance or accounting professionals, prospective project administrators and project managers looking for an introductory overview to budgeting.
At STADIO, we believe in the future of our nation. We want to make a difference by offering greater access to higher education, so that every South African has the opportunity to become the most empowered version of themself. By investing in the human potential all around us, we can grow minds, dreams and employment. Ultimately benefiting our nation as a whole.
We take a profound interest in what our students want, and what our country and the world of work needs. And we offer higher education specially designed to satisfy all. At the end of the day, we have an opportunity to not just help individuals realise their dreams, but to help a nation grow stronger.
The time to do something great for South Africa is now. That’s why we’ve united our collective experience with one goal. To empower the nation by widening access to higher education.
We have brought together four highly prestigious institutions – Southern Business School, Embury Institute for Higher Education, LISOF and Prestige Academy – with a collective experience of over 100 years in providing quality, affordable higher education. And we are proud to offer over 50 accredited qualifications via contact, distance and blended learning, across ten campuses, to over 20 000 students.
The overall goal of this course is to enhance analytic skills needed in the assessment of corporate borrowers or counterparties. Participants will use a structured and systematic approach to evaluate the credit standing of companies in a variety of industrial and service industries.
Credit Risk Training & Development Program is offered by BCM Building Credit Management. Our unique courses apply theory to real-life scenarios & are guaranteed to give you the skills to deal with real-life situations when managing risk.
This short skills programme will provide debt recovery agents with the skills and understanding to collect debt effectively and efficiently without breaking the law.
Credit & Collections training is offered by Havohej Consultancy. We are registered with Agri Seta, MICTSETA (Media, Information, Communication and Technology SETA), offering a variety of training courses which are SETA accredited.
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