Showcase your coding and collaboration skills to potential employers, creating full-stack web applications that leverage modern programming languages, frameworks, and tools.
Gain critical web development literacy to stand out in tech-driven fields like design, marketing, product development, and more. Discover how to build interactive, responsive websites and assemble a coding toolkit you can apply immediately on the job.
Tap into Concordia's growing network of tech experts, instructors, hiring partners, and alumni, and equip yourself to succeed in a rapidly expanding field. Our careers services team is also available to support and empower you in making informed decisions about your career.
Showcase your coding and collaboration skills to potential employers, creating full-stack web applications that leverage modern programming languages, frameworks, and tools.
Programming Fundamentals:
In this section you will learn how to create, style and manipulate websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We start with the basics of HTML and CSS. Then quickly move on to JavaScript, where we learn to program and use the language for a variety of tasks. We will also introduce git and GitHub, which we will use continuously throughout the course.
Server-side Programming With NodeJS:
Learn and use JavaScript in the context of backend programming with NodeJS. Create and deploy a web server using RESTful API principles by leveraging NodeJS with Express. Basic networking concepts like HTTP will be learned along the way. Students will also learn how to use various external APIs to retrieve data. We will implement many different backend solutions with NodeJs and EJS.
Advanced Frontend: React:
We begin with DOM manipulation to then move on to React. We put these skills to work with a number of individual web projects. These projects will introduce new concepts of the React framework like React Hooks. You will combine your knowledge of front-end and back-end technologies to learn how to create full-stack applications.
Team Project:
Part of being a great software developer is being able to work with others. Different people have different ways of thinking, which is expressed through their code. You need to get acquainted with the way other people write code, be able to follow their logic, and merge your code together. In this module, we will be working on building a team project and using Git/GitHub to manage our code.
Data Persistence:
Learn to extend backend projects to leverage data persistence with databases. We will learn to perform CRUD operations on MongoDB and Firebase databases. Students now have all of the pieces to create a full-stack web application.
Solo Project:
The time has come for you to put your skills into practice. It's one thing to follow along with guided workshops or work in teams with others, but writing your own software from start to finish will be the true test. Here, you will build a working prototype of your choice. You will be responsible for coming up with an idea, and bringing it to fruition using all that you have learned in the course.
Over 90% of students are hired within 6-months of graduating. At Concordia Bootcamps, we're bridging the gap between education and employability. Apply today to earn your diploma at one of Canada's largest universities.
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