Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym

3 Courses Offered

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Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym, which was established in August, 2003 at New Delhi, India, is the Indian subsidiary of Ascent International a global leader in Advanced Abacus, Mental Arithmetic & Brain Gym programs specially designed for children in the 3.5-16 year age span.

Mr. Deepak Ganjoo is the Present CEO of the Organization along with members on Board Mr. Anant Kasibhatla, Director of Memory Vision. Bhn Sd Malaysia, an International Author’s & Speaker and Mrs. Reeta Ganjoo as the National Head of Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym, handling Franchisee’s all over India. Essentially, the Ascent Programs are nothing but scientific brain management & Brain Gym techniques that unveil the infinite potential of the human brain and its effective use.

An affiliate of IAMAA (International Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association), a premier institution recognized the world over, Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym sets the parameters in Mental Arithmetic & Brain Gym training.

Within a decade since its inception, the organization has spread out to a broad spectrum, where it enjoys a formidable presence. And today, Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym has evolved into ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2004; OHSAS 18001:1999 certified institutions, and the world’s first institutions in the field of Abacus Education to have won the distinction.

  • Sector 43 Branch

    C-933, Basement, Vyapar Kendra, Sushant Lok Phase I , Sector 43, Gurgaon

Courses offered by Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym

Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym Logo

Mental Ability sessions/ Mental Arithmetic

Mental Arithmetic/Mental Ability Sessions unveil the analytical and reasoning skills of students integrating arithmetic concepts with Abacus

by Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym
Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym Logo

Handwriting Improvement

At Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym , Handwriting Improvement Courses have been researched and re-researched to maximize the rate of output in minimum time and let the child & parent get the dread out in just few sessions

by Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym
Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym Logo

Advance Abacus with Digital Software

Our program is divided in eight levels: duration of each level is four months. Each level is aimed at sharpening your child’s skills in such a way that he not only tightens his grip round the concepts but also grows more confident.

by Ascent Abacus & Brain Gym

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