IQuest Technologies

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IQuest – Institute of Quality Engineering and Software Testing – is an Institution for Creating “Job Ready Professionals” through their Industry Oriented Training and Coaching Programs on Relevant Technologies with Attitude Building Coaching Programs. It is located in the Heritage City of Mysore.

India’s biggest strength is its Youth which is about 40-50% of the total population. Our future and economic growth is directly associated with our Youths’ contribution in every field of their CHOSEN interest.

According to a survey conducted by NASSCOM and AMCAT, every year, 32-35 lacs Graduates are coming out of the colleges and 12-15 lacs Engineering Graduates. Out of these, about 17% of Graduates are quite successful in getting JOBS, while the remaining 82% are considered to be lacking f the necessary skills and attitude to get a Job.

It is common knowledge that 55,000 to 60,000 young men and women come out of the 209 Engineering Colleges every year just in Karnataka as graduate engineers. But what is not commonly known is that, as NASSCOM reports, only 17% of them are found to be employable.

The picture is much bleaker for the general graduates. According to industry sources only 10-15% of them are considered employable. The reason is most of our graduates simply lack the skills required for the jobs that are available especially in the corporate sector.

It is just the issue of this skills gap that iQuest promises to address through its Employability Enhancement Program (EEP), Technology Oriented Programs

  • Mysore Branch

    No. 331-B, KIADB Hebbal Industrial Area, Mysore

Courses offered by iQuest Technologies


Data Structure & Alogrithms

Data Structure & Algorithms course is offered by iQuest Technologies. iQuest is a professional IT training provider company, specialized in producing a highly skilled pool of IT professionals to counter global industry challenges.

by iQuest Technologies

Robotics And Automation

Robotics and Automation course is offered by iQuest Technologies. iQuest is a professional IT training provider company, specialized in producing a highly skilled pool of IT professionals to counter global industry challenges.

by iQuest Technologies

AWS Solutions Architect Associate

AWS Solutions Architect Associate course is offered by iQuest Technologies. iQuest is a professional IT training provider company, specialized in producing a highly skilled pool of IT professionals to counter global industry challenges.

by iQuest Technologies

Data Analytics

Data Analytics course is offered by iQuest Technologies. iQuest is a professional IT training provider company, specialized in producing a highly skilled pool of IT professionals to counter global industry challenges.

by iQuest Technologies


Oracle course is offered by iQuest Technologies. iQuest is a professional IT training provider company, specialized in producing highly skilled pool of IT professionals to counter global industry challenges.

by iQuest Technologies

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