La Pêche Nails and Academy is a renowned institution located at the forefront of the nail industry, offering a comprehensive range of education, products, and services. La Pêche Nails and Academy places a strong emphasis on education and is committed to equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of nail art.
Education is the cornerstone of La Pêche Nails and Academy. Led by an experienced team of instructors, the academy provides high-quality training programs that cover all aspects of nail artistry.
In addition to comprehensive educational courses, La Pêche Nails and Academy is dedicated to providing high-quality nail products. The academy partners with renowned brands and suppliers to offer a wide selection of professional-grade tools, gels, and other nail art materials.
La Pêche Nails and Academy understands the importance of continuous professional development and, therefore, offers advanced training and specialized courses.
These programs allow nail artists to further enhance their skills, explore niche areas of expertise, and expand their career opportunities。 the academy provides the necessary resources and guidance to elevate skills to a higher level
Techniques with “Luxio Gel by Akzentz (Russian manicure & E-file Manicure.This course is for anyone who wants to be able to efficiently and safely use an E-file to be able to carry out safe, correct and gentle.
Learn to make people feel their polished best using a range of nail technology to express your creativity in a nail salon or start your own business.
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