League Of Coders

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8 Courses Offered

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Learning is tough and can be frustrating but when you learn how to figure things out, you are on your way to reaching your goals.



In fact, the more time you spent on coding, you realize that most problems are solvable or figureoutable.


It Changes You

Most proficient coders have this qualities, they are patience, they have passion, they love to learn, they learn how to fail gracefully, they are resourceful and they are adaptable.


Who We Are

League of Coders offers specialised training in areas such as web application development and design, database design, and cybersecurity and we know that the real value of a person is the skill sets and not paper qualifications.

With years of training and projects experience, we believed it’s more important to:

  • Show you how it is done

  • Showcase what you’ve done

than to tell people what you can do and, therefore, all of our courses are specifically designed and developed to equip you with the required skill sets giving you the right tools and know-how to build something for yourself or for your professional career.


Our Mission

To equip you the right skill set


Our Plan

By equiping you the know how.


Our Vision

Showcase what you have done.


Why League of Coders

League of Coders was founded with a lofty objective, to make learning to code easy and to offer real world skill sets for aspiring coders or job seekers. Learning to code is a creative process and encourages logical thinking. League of Coders valued these principles:

  • Coding teaches that mistakes do not equal failure.

  • Coding teaches creative problem-solving.

  • Coding teaches the same process used in critical thinking.

  • Coding teaches there is more than one right answer.

Do you think building an Instagram Clone is hard? How many letters do you need to know to form the word "hard"? You just need to know what you need to know to build something and the rest will just fall into place.


Albert Einstein: 

"I don't need to know everything, I just need to know where to find it, when I need it".

  • Central Branch

    420 North Bridge Centre, Central

Courses offered by League Of Coders

League Of Coders Logo

MongoDB Database For Developer ( NoSQL)

MongoDB is consistently ranked as the most popular NoSQL database according to the DB-Engines monthly rankings. MongoDB is a free, open-source, cross-platform document database, which stores its data in JSON-like documents. 

by League Of Coders [Claim Listing ]
League Of Coders Logo

Certified Node.JS Developer

Node.JS is a JavaScript runtime environment, that is an open-source platform that uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. It is a lightweight and efficient JavaScript framework built on the V8 JavaScript engine.

by League Of Coders [Claim Listing ]
League Of Coders Logo

C# Programming For Beginners

“C# Programming for Beginners" is an exciting and comprehensive 2 days training course designed to take your first steps into the world of coding and software development. 

by League Of Coders [Claim Listing ]
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SQL Server For Developer

Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) is a suite of database software which includes a relational database engine, an ETL aka SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), and also SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) published by Microsoft.

by League Of Coders [Claim Listing ]
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Certified ASP.NET Core Web API Developer

ASP.NET Core Web API is a high-performance, cross-platform, and open-source framework. Building a well-designed REST API is required for any modern websites, cloud-enabled, and Internet-connected apps such as mobile apps,

by League Of Coders [Claim Listing ]

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