National Council of Training Academy

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3 Courses Offered

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National Council of Training Academy is a popular online educational platform, which invites all interested candidates to seek online admission in any certificate/ advanced courses. Our accredited courses are offered at quite reasonable packages when compared to other affiliated courses available over the internet.

Our franchise options are set as per market-standards, so you no need to think about profit-making, and simply can give attention to generating students in great number.

NCTA’s main purpose is to promote online education and grow professional skills among unemployed and women candidates, and so invited all to join our golden mission of skill development.

We are presently working in different fields of Programs & Commercial Training Courses that’s certified by ISO 9001:2015 Organization.

NCTA is an affiliated of M.H.R.D (CR Act 1957) Government of India & M.S.M.E Government of India. To boost-up self-employment options within you, enroll yourself in our accredited courses and get well-paid jobs.

  • Kolkata Branch

    Near Chingrighata Crossing , EA Block 177, Sector IV,Salt Lake, Kolkata

Courses offered by National Council of Training Academy


Certificate In Visual Basic (CVB)

NCTA’s Certificate In Visual Basic Program offers a comprehensive review of the information required to grow your own applications as a software programming expert. Once you are enrolled in our software programming courses, you can acquire skills in visual studio installation onto your computer.

by National Council of Training Academy

Certificate In Carpentry & Wood Training (CCWT)

Carpentry is a well-established and versatile civil construction-related profession in overseas countries. NCTA’s Certificate/ Diploma In Carpentry & Wood Training help students to work on a wide range of carpentry jobs

by National Council of Training Academy
  • Price
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  • Duration

Certificate In Data Entry Operator (CDEO)

NCTA’s Certificate In Data Entry Operator Course helps to learn data entry operating aptitudes and ways to efficiently run an online program in computer.

by National Council of Training Academy
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