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Our mission: to unlock your creativity. Everyone can become more creative with the right tools and guidance. Our Enhance Innovation and Applied Design Thinking programmes help you dream with purpose, transforming emerging ideas into fully-realised products and services. We use theatre improvisation techniques, structured brainstorming and hybrid learning models to make your team-building events immersive.

We develop customised workshops to enhance your change management process. And we facilitate design sprints that get your leaders and teams collaborating on shared goals. Whatever your mission, we can make your creative journey fun and purposeful.

  • Central Branch

    20 Cecil Street, Plus #07-03, Central

Courses offered by Think.Story.Speak


Corporate Storytelling Workshops

Perform Your Story enables you to create vivid, original stories that enrich your brand and convey sensitive or complex information with a human face. We run the program as an intensive workshop or company retreat

by Think.Story.Speak

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