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14 Courses Offered

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YSDF – Youth skill Development Foundation of INDIA is an autonomous organization duly registered under Indian Act 1982 (ID- IV-190306447), recognized by National Institution for Transforming India (Planning Commission) (NITI Aayog : WB/2020/0259632), Ministry of Women & Child development (ID- 0259632), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (ID- 0259632), and NSDC Skill India processing (ID- TP068831), Ministry of Labour & Employment registered (NCS- S15L71-1550082803169).

YSDF India is continuously working for the growth of social and academic arena. We are minimizing skill gap of industry and students. We encourage the students to become self dependent through entrepreneurship learning.

Right now we are aiming to provide industry oriented curriculum and placement for the growth of young generation. To provide high quality educational resources in terms of online/off-line we are focusing to work with reputed organization.

In academic vertical, at present YSDF is offering many free online computer classes. There are various job oriented Computer Software, Hardware, Advanced Networking, Multimedia, Soft Skills and advanced English Courses. 

  • Howrah Branch

    Howrah-Domjur-Bargachhia-Amta, Howrah

Courses offered by YSDF


Certificate In Mobile Phone Repairing

Certificate in Mobile Phone Repairing course is offered by YSDF. YSDF India is continuously working for the growth of the social and academic arena. We are minimizing skill gap of industry and students. We encourage the students to become self-dependent through entrepreneurship learning.

by YSDF [Claim Listing ]

Diploma In Information Technology (DIT)

Diploma in Information Technology is offered by YSDF. YSDF India is continuously working for the growth of the social and academic arena. We are minimizing skill gap of industry and students. We encourage the students to become self-dependent through entrepreneurship learning.

by YSDF [Claim Listing ]

Certificate In Web Designing

Certificate in Web Designing course is offered by YSDF. YSDF India is continuously working for the growth of the social and academic arena. We are minimizing skill gap of industry and students. We encourage the students to become self-dependent through entrepreneurship learning.

by YSDF [Claim Listing ]

Certificate In Financial Accounting

Certificate in Financial Accounting course is offered by YSDF. YSDF India is continuously working for the growth of the social and academic arena. We are minimizing skill gap of industry and students. We encourage the students to become self-dependent through entrepreneurship learning.

by YSDF [Claim Listing ]

Certificate In Computer Maintenance

Certificate in Computer Maintenance course is offered by YSDF. YSDF India is continuously working for the growth of the social and academic arena. We are minimizing skill gap of industry and students. We encourage the students to become self-dependent through entrepreneurship learning.

by YSDF [Claim Listing ]

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