List of available Russian Language classes in Auckland, New Zealand. The Russian courses in Auckland are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Russian Language classes from all over New Zealand.
Get started with learning the language and the Russian cyrillic alphabet. Suitable for beginners.
Teaching on a one-to-one basis means we can provide the kind of teaching you require and at your pace. We can also offer two-to-one, three-to-one etc.We consult with you to find out your specific requirements and to gear the course accordingly.
As the most widely spoken Slavic language and with over 144 million native speakers, Russian can be heard on nearly every continent on the globe. As the second most used language on the internet, the native tongue of some of the greatest literature in the world, and an important language for trave...
Learning a language is not just learning 50 words a day until you are done. Learning a language means understanding the culture and the language to the point that everything is automatic and natural, just like in your own language. The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself.
his course is intended for students with a little knowledge of the Russian language and is taught by a native speaker. At the end of the course, you will be able to greet people, introduce yourself, read and make basic conversation.
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