List of available Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses in Auckland, New Zealand. The Accounting, Finance and Banking courses in Auckland are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses from all over New Zealand.
Training, courses and workshops can be delivered either at an MIT campus or on site with you, according to your organisation's needs.
Are you comfortable conversing in the language of finance relating to the performance of your team and organisation?
Whether you’re new to finance or you just need a refresher, this workshop will give you the tools and confidence you need to master the fundamentals, as all good managers must.
This Small Business Accounting course has helped launch the careers of thousands of students and assisted many business people take proper control of their finances.
This accredited course contains 20 hours of learning split into 10 sessions which cover an introduction to the basic concepts of finance, teaching you how to read basic financial statements.
IFRS professional development opportunities are relevant to those who use, prepare or interpret financial statements.
By doing this course you’ll learn the real-world skills needed on the job, like understanding financial management, developing budgets and the fundamentals of accounting.
Learn the essentials of auditing and gain the knowledge and confidence needed to complete effective internal audits.
Includes the Core and General Insurance strands in one programme bundle.
Training is important as it provides staff with the necessary skills to assist you in meeting your obligations. As it is a requirement under the AML/CFT Act, AML/CFT Supervisors and Auditors want to see evidence of training.
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