List of available B Ed (Bachelor of Education) Classes in Cape Town, South Africa.

The B Ed (Bachelor of Education) courses in Cape Town are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Rosebank College, Cape Town
  2. University of Cape Town, Cape Town
  3. IIE Varsity College, Cape Town
  4. STADIO, Cape Town
  5. Mancosa, Cape Town
  6. Edu-build Institute, Cape Town
  7. Centre for Creative Education, Cape Town
  8. Two Oceans Graduate Institute, Cape Town

Also, check out all B Ed (Bachelor of Education) Classes from all over South Africa.

8 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Cape Town, South Africa

Rosebank College Logo

Bachelor Of Education In Intermediate Phase Teaching

Become a teacher with IIE Rosebank College. The IIE Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching is a professional qualification aimed at students who want to pursue a teaching qualification for grades 4 to 7.

Cheapest by Rosebank College
University of Cape Town Logo

B.Ed. Honours

This programme is designed primarily for students who wish to progress to an academic Master’s degree in Education. 

Cheapest by University of Cape Town [ Claim Listing ]
IIE Varsity College Logo

Bachelor of Education (Intermediate Phase Teaching)

The IIE Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Intermediate Phase Teaching (IPT) is an undergraduate professional qualification aimed at preparing graduates to teach learners from Grades 4 to 7.

Cheapest by IIE Varsity College [ Claim Listing ]

Bachelor of Education In Foundation Phase Teaching

The four-year Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching (NQF 7, 516 credits) is designed to equip students to be fully qualified educators for employment in the foundation phase (Grades R to 3).

Cheapest by STADIO [ Claim Listing ]
Mancosa Logo

Bachelor Of Education In Senior & FET Phase

The Bachelors in Education provides teaching and learning tenets with an emphasis on teaching prospective teachers about methods and techniques which will equip them to teach in primary and secondary schools.

Cheapest by Mancosa
Edu-build Institute Logo

B.Ed. Degree (Foundation Phase)

B.Ed Degree Foundation is currently being offered in partnership with a private institution, until we have finalised our own accreditation.

Cheapest by Edu-build Institute [ Claim Listing ]
Centre for Creative Education Logo

Bachelor Of Education (Foundation Phase Teaching)

The daily programme of lectures, experiential sessions and teaching practice takes place over nine weeks a term. The BEd training programme consists of several areas of learning, each with its particular aims in the development of the teacher.

Cheapest by Centre for Creative Education
Two Oceans Graduate Institute Logo

Bachelor of Education (Foundation Phase Teaching)

If you have a love of learning and of children, this degree was created just for you. Welcome to teaching – one of the most satisfying careers available!

Cheapest by Two Oceans Graduate Institute [ Claim Listing ]
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