List of available French Language classes in Leicester, UK. The French courses in Leicester are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all French Language classes from all over UK.
We have 5 groups according to the age of the children. We try as much as possible to follow the French program while adapting to our mainly English-speaking audience (for the most part).
We offer a wide range of different language courses, allowing our learners to communicate confidently in the language of their choice and to become independent language learners.
With around 200 million speakers across the world, French is one of the commonest - and hence most useful - languages. The International Organization of Francophonie has 56 member states and governments, with a primary objective to promote its teaching.
This course is for complete beginners or for those who have not practised French for some time. The course will give you skills and enable you to practice speaking and understand simple everyday language as a visitor to France.
Our French tutors are able to support your child/you with vocabulary, speaking and listening, confidence and exam preparation as well as learning for pleasure.
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