List of available Bachelor of Economics Classes in Philadelphia, USA.

The Bachelor of Economics courses in Philadelphia are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Villanova University, Philadelphia
  2. La Salle University, Philadelphia
  3. University Of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  4. Temple University, Philadelphia
  5. Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia
  6. LeBow College of Business (Drexel University), Philadelphia
  7. Widener University, Philadelphia

Also, check out all Bachelor of Economics Classes from all over USA.

7 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Philadelphia, USA

Villanova University Logo

Major in Economics

Students who major in Economics experience a rigorous curriculum that will prepare them to think critically in almost every enterprise. Majoring in Economics provides a rigorous curriculum that will prepare you to think critically in almost every enterprise.

Cheapest by Villanova University [ Claim Listing ]
La Salle University Logo

Economics (B.A.)

What You’ll learn? As an economics major at La Salle, you’ll gain a framework to address a wide range of questions and contemporary policy issues. Through the mix of theoretical, quantitative, and applied courses, as well as one-on-one interactions with faculty, you’ll receive a wide range o...

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University Of Pennsylvania Logo

Economics (BA)

Economics is a social science and, as such, an important component of the liberal arts curriculum. At the core of economics are theories of how individuals, firms, and other organizations make choices and interact, taking into account constraints on their behaviors.

Cheapest by University Of Pennsylvania [ Claim Listing ]
Temple University Logo

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

The Bachelor of Arts in Economics exposes a student to the economist’s way of thinking about social problems and behavior. The major helps a student understand the economic aspects of current events and public policy, and it’s a good preparation for careers in public policy, law and business.

Cheapest by Temple University [ Claim Listing ]
Saint Joseph's University Logo

Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economics

The Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economics uses quantitative tools and methods to study economics and perform economic analysis.

Cheapest by Saint Joseph's University [ Claim Listing ]
LeBow College of Business (Drexel University) Logo

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

The Bachelor of Arts in Economics introduces students to modern economics within the context of a broad liberal arts curriculum. The degree connects economics with other humanities and social science disciplines, and it provides an even broader liberal arts education than the BS in Economics. With ...

Cheapest by LeBow College of Business (Drexel University) [ Claim Listing ]
Widener University Logo

Economics Major: Bachelor’s Degree in Business (BSBA)

With an economics degree, you'll gain the analytical skills to understand what drives the allocation of resources and influences the business world.

Cheapest by Widener University [ Claim Listing ]
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