List of available Pizza Making Classes in Scottsdale, USA. The Pizza Making courses in Scottsdale are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Pizza Making Classes from all over USA.
These are foods kids love! So let them learn to make them for themselves. Kids ages 8 and above will have an amazing time learning how to make each recipe from scratch!
A fun and entertaining class for those who want a piece of the pie. Guests will learn the history, background, and other tidbits behind pizza before rolling out their own dough and assembling their own custom made job!
When it comes to the art of cooking, pizza is the perfect blank canvas. In this class, you will practice mixing and shaping dough, adding on classic and creative toppings and baking on a pizza stone for a crispy crust
Pizza Making Class is offered by Kids Who Cook. In all classes, everything is very hands-on and everybody gets a chance to do a little of everything. The children are taught how to clean up and then everyone sits to eat what was made. Lets make our own dough, learn how yeast works.Â
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