One of the major mistakes and misconceptions that lead to failure in policy implementation is the belief that one policy could suit different organizations and work settings.
One of the major mistakes and misconceptions that lead to failure in policy implementation is the belief that one policy could suit different organisations and work settings.
In fact, different departments within the same organisation may react differently to a policy and hence policy makers need to formulate a general policy that suits all since the suitability of a policy may differ across organisations depending on culture, mode of governance, institutional landscape, etc.
Since policy making and implementation need to be undertaken carefully, understanding the process, the best practices related to successful policy implementation and the possible challenges that one could face during the process becomes important for public sector professionals.
This training course will empower you with thorough knowledge and complete information on the end-to-end policy process, from identification to outcome.
Undertaking this course will give you the necessary experience and exposure to play an important role in successful policy implementation such that employees of your organisation identify with the policy and follow it well, resulting in the desired outcomes defined at the start.
This course will also prepare you for multiple challenges that you may encounter during the process, with both internal and external influence, such that you can pre-empt these and not allow these to affect your policy and the resultant benefits to your organisation and its employees.
The knowledge gained through this course will broaden your perspective and add to your skill set to be able to keep pace with the changing needs of public administration because of modernisation in the public sector, thus building your competency in terms of skill and experience.
Understanding the relationship and inter-dependence between policy and strategy
The political-managerial interface dynamics of a strategic approach to policy formulation and implementation
Perform a situation analysis to determine actual needs for service delivery
Select alternative strategies to implement public policies
Establish a measurable management framework for policy implementation
Cascade the strategy formulation process down to tactical and operational institutional levels
Design an institutional performance management system based on selected strategies
An HR appraisal system based on KPI’s, Performance targets and organisational core values
Formulate operational institutional policies to direct and support the strategy formulation and implementation process
Intelligent Africa develops, markets and manages training programs and conferences to both the private and public sector throughout Africa and South Africa.
Established in 2004, our team is experienced and professional. Through our multi-national, multi-language team we have clients in many African countries.
By using critical market research methods in the designing and production of our events, we are able to identify the unique challenges facing local and African businesses today. Our commitment to service excellence means that we deliver genuine business solutions at competitive rates.
Our research-driven, tailor-made events relate directly to market movements and environmental changes. Intelligent Africa draws on a diverse pool of industry professionals in the production and staging of its events, in order to provide delegates with the ultimate learning experience. Our qualified presenters are accredited and have vast experience in their areas of expertise.
Not only do our subject-matter experts possess a wealth of knowledge, relevant qualifications and solid industry experience, but they are required to demonstrate exceptional presentation/facilitation skills in order to keep delegates interested and focused at all times.
Our Mission:
To establish Intelligent Africa Marketing and Training as a preferred skills development service provider.
To distinguish Intelligent Africa from its competitors by providing focused, great quality and cost effective interventions to the Southern African and African commercial, governmental and related industries.
To add value to our clients through enhanced people capability
Our Vision:
To be a client friendly, service orientated, value for money and high quality business partner.
To provide great employment opportunities, improve the quality of life of our employees and to reflect the composition of South African population in our staff.
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