In this course students will learn the basics of Autodesk Revit Structure. Topics include: Tools for analysis, parametric design, and documentation. Students will also be introduced to Building Information Modelling concepts and the basic features of Autodesk Revit Structure.
Course Outline
Introduction to Autodesk Structure Essentials
- Options and Settings for Sketches
- Sketching basics
- Creating a Sketch in a New Part
- Sketch Constraints
- Gaining sketch skills
- Creating sketches from AutoCAD Geometry
- Creating and sung 3D sketches
- Best Practices for working with sketches
Advanced Modelling Techniques
- Creating complex sweeps and lofts
- Creating multi-body parts
- Creating derived parts and assemblies
- Working with patterns
- Setting iProperties and parameters
- Adding part tolerances
- Troubleshooting failures with the End-of-Part Marker
Sheet Metal
- Understanding Sheet-Metal parts
- Getting to know the features
Using Sheet-Metal Templates and Rule
- Working with the flat pattern
- Using Sheet-Metal iPart factories
- Modelling with Non-Sheet-Metal features
- Working with imported parts
- Annotating your Sheet-Metal design
Reusing Parts and Features
- Working with iParts
- Working with iFeatures
- Reusing existing geometry
Assembly Design Workflow
- Assembly relationships
- Understanding subassemblies
- Top-Down design
- Adaptivity
- Assembly features
- Managing the Bill of Materials
- Assembly reuse and configurations
- Use assembly design accelerators
- Simplifying parts
Large Assembly Strategies
- Selecting a workstation
- Working with performance settings
- Large assembly best practices
- Managing assembly detail
Weldment Design
- Exploring weldment design methodologies
- Modelling preparations
- Exploring cosmetic welds
- Creating weld beads
- Creating fillet welds
- Creating groove welds
- Performing machining operations
- Exploring weld properties and combinations
- Using the weld symbol
- Understanding bead property report and mass properties
- Creating drawing documentation
- Generating a Bill of Materials and part list
Presentations and Exploded Views
- Working in the presentation environment
- Creating advanced presentations
- Creating and sharing assembly instructions
- Using the drawing manager
- Creating templates and styles
- Utilizing drawing resources
- Editing styles and standards
- Creating drawing views
- Annotation part drawings
- Annotating assembly drawings
- Working with Sheet-Metal drawings
- Working with iParts and iAssembly drawings
- Sharing your drawings outside your workgroup
Tools Overview
- Exploring the BIM exchange
- Design Assistant
- The drawing resource transfer wizard
- The style library manager
- Task scheduler
- iProperties
- Measure tools
- Miscellaneous tools
Exchanging Data With Other Systems
- Importing and exporting geometry
- Using inventor file translators
- Working with Imported data and using Inventor fusion
- Viewing DWF mark-up
Frame Generator
- Accessing frame generator tools
- Exploring the frame generator file structure
- Exploring the anatomy of a frame member
- Inserting frame members
- Adding end treatments
- Maintaining frames
- Performing calculations and analysis
- Publishing frame members
- Frame assemblies and BOM?s
Inventor Studio
- Exploring Inventor Studio
- Creating and Managing Styles
- Animating with Inventor Studio
Stress Analysis and Dynamic Simulation
- Introduction to Analysis
- Conducting stress analysis simulations
- Conducting dynamic simulations
- Exporting to FEA
- Using the dynamic simulation information in Stress Analysis
Routed Systems
- Tube and Pipe
- Cable and Harness
Plastic Design Features
- Thicken and Offset features
- Shell features
- Split features
- Grill features
- Rule fillet features
- Rest features
- Boss features
- Lip and groove features
- Snap fit features
- Rib and web features
- Draft features
- Mold design overview
- Understanding the iLogic Element and Interface.
- Creating iLogic Parameters, Rules and Forms
Course Duration
3 day/s
Who should Attend
This course is intended for users working with Autodesk Revit.