B.Ed course is offered by George College.The college has a well-equipped state-of-the-art technology lab with a slide projector, overhead projector, LCD television, geometrical figures, models, charts, maps, transparencies, slides, whiteboard, etc. of standard quality.
B.Ed course is offered by George College. The college has a well-equipped state-of-the-art technology lab with a slide projector, overhead projector, LCD television, geometrical figures, models, charts, maps, transparencies, slides, whiteboard, etc. of standard quality.
The technology lab is to be used by all lecturers of B.Ed Students. The lab will enable students to get acquainted with knowledge, uses, working, and operation of various technology & aids, and know-how for preparing transparencies, PowerPoint presentations, charts, and models in their teaching subjects. Teachers can also make use of different aids for teaching and give demo lessons to make the learning of different topics interesting and effective.
George College was founded in 2001 as an affiliated institution of the West Bengal University of Technology to offer an academic destination for candidates preparing for job requirements in different industries.
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