Build key business skills and gain the expertise to develop quality tourist experiences. Learn how to successfully manage local, regional, national and international tourism businesses and organizations. Use tourism to strengthen local communities through a sustainable development approach.
Learn about the latest topics and best practices from experienced academics and industry professionals, with students from all over the world and in courses that blend theory with real-world experiences.
Build key business skills and gain the expertise to develop quality tourist experiences. Learn how to successfully manage local, regional, national and international tourism businesses and organizations. Use tourism to strengthen local communities through a sustainable development approach.
Why Pursue A Bachelor of Tourism Management at TRU?
Go on field trips that include project-based learning
Attend seminars, workshops, job fairs and career mentoring events on campus where you can meet potential employers
Enhance your education with co-op opportunities that provide career-related work experience
Participate in case competitions and regional and national conferences
Engage with TRU alumni working in related fields
Complete the Leadership in Environmental Sustainability Certificate to earn recognition for the knowledge, skills, awareness and attitudes of an environmentally sustainable citizen
Complete the Global Competency Certificate to earn recognition for the knowledge, skills, awareness and attitudes of a globally minded citizen
Gain a global perspective with Study Abroad opportunities and by learning alongside classmates from around the world
Graduate with industry-specific experience—BTM grads obtain 500 hours of relevant work experience prior to graduation
What Will I Learn?
Develop an understanding of tourism as both an industry and an important sociocultural activity in today’s increasingly mobile world.
You’ll find out how to develop and manage tourism businesses with entrepreneurial spirit, and to contribute to community development in a way that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.
Develop strong management skills to thrive in public, non-profit, and commercial sector organizations—or to join tourism’s dynamic entrepreneurial scene by creating or growing new ventures of your own.
Limited entry
Grade 12 (or equivalent) or mature student status
English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% (or equivalent)
Foundations of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11 or Foundations of Mathematics 12 with minimum C (or equivalent)
Note: Students with Pre-calculus 12 or Foundations of Math 12 with a minimum C+ will be exempt from MATH 1100 and must make up the 3 credits with an elective of their choice.
Computer Skills
If you don’t meet the requirements
Career options
The unique combination of theory and practice produces competent graduates who quickly apply the skills they gained as students to their careers:
Adventure tourism entrepreneur or business manager
Commercial Aviation
Consultant to businesses, organizations, communities, and governments
Culinary Campus Manager
Director of Brand Strategy
Director of Operations
Event and Sponsorship Coordinator
Food and Beverage Manager
Front Desk Clerk/Receptionist
Guest Services Manager
Hotel General Manager
Lodge Manager
Marketing Manager
Portfolio Manager
Production and Communications Manager
Project Manager
Public Relations (Hospitality)
Recreation Program Coordinator
Research Assistant or Analyst
Resort Manager
Restaurant Manager
Sales and Catering Coordinator
Tourism Product Developer
Wedding Coordinator
Laddering options
Many tourism and business-based diplomas have been designed to "ladder" or internally transfer into the Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM). All of the TRU programs below have the ability to ladder as many as 60 credits towards the BTM (amount may vary slightly depending on your selected majors/minors):
Adventure Guide Diploma
Adventure Management Diploma
Canadian Mountain and Ski Guide Certification Program
Events and Conventions Management Diploma
Resort and Hotel Management Diploma
Sport Event Management Diploma
Tourism Management Diploma
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