Are you interested in building, or repairing, things from wood? Get started learning basic carpentry and woodworking skills in this rewarding hands-on class. Learn how to use power tools safely and confidently, understanding which tool to use for various jobs.
Are you interested in building, or repairing, things from wood? Get started learning basic carpentry and woodworking skills in this rewarding hands-on class. Learn how to use power tools safely and confidently, understanding which tool to use for various jobs.
Explore materials and how to select the right materials for the job you want to work on. Discover the basics of joinery, jigs, carpentry, woodworking methods, and project design, in a woodshop.
Then apply everything you've learned in a hands-on project. Safely use hand and power tools to construct and assemble a toolbox from start to finish. By the end of class, you'll have created a useful wood box and the skills to continue a new rewarding hobby. You'll be able to use your box for tools, sewing supplies, gardening, etc, and build upon your skills for a lifetime.
Our focus is on high-quality, affordable, and relevant education, designed to meet the evolving needs of our community.
Seattle Central College is located on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle the Coast Salish, Duwamish, Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot, past and present, and honor them with our gratitude.
As a part of Seattle Central College, Continuing Education shares the school's vision to create a learning environment that is accessible, diverse, responsive, and innovative.
We feel fortunate to be able to use the college's facilities and resources for community members.
Core Values:
This is the course designed for people with no prior woodworking experience. Through discussion and hands on experience you will learn about the steps necessary to begin with a rough piece of wood and finish with a small table of your own design. The class will meet for six weekly sessions.
In this course we'll cover the basics of traditional joinery including hand-cut as well as machine cut dovetails, mortise and tenons, miters, rabbets, and dados.
The main focus of the first course is learning how to use power and hand tools properly and safely. Classes are meant for any adult interested in pursuing wood furniture design and woodworking as a hobby or potential career.
Pour your very own Coasters using domestic or exotic woods and epoxy resin! You will learn the techniques of preparing the wood, building molds, leak control and epoxy mixing, tinting and pouring
This course will provide an introduction to woodcut printmaking. Fundamental relief techniques will introduce you to the tools and methods needed to allow you to carve and print from your own relief woodblocks.
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