HR Managers are necessary to develop, coordinate, lead human resources practices, achieve an employee-oriented satisfaction, increase productivity, and development of the workforce.
HR Managers are necessary to develop, coordinate, lead human resources practices, achieve an employee-oriented satisfaction, increase productivity, and development of the workforce.
It covers every aspect of HR management, such as planning, recruitment, selection, training, and performance management.
It includes basic knowledge of human resource management, training and development, and recruitment of right resources.
Our 2-days Certified HR Manager course objective is to help delegates with the knowledge to execute the core responsibilities.
The tasks of the HR Manager come under these categories, i.e. Recruitment, Remuneration, Administration, Employee Relations, Performance, and Development.
This course will improve their knowledge and skills to enhance their employee’s performance.
The role and responsibilities of the HR Manager include:
Leadership skills
Maintaining Work Culture
Resolving Conflicts
Employee Relations
Set Objectives of HR Team
By attending this course, delegates will learn the various challenges faced by HR professionals, health and safety regulations, profit and loss, budgeting and effective employee communication.
Who Are We?
Pearce Mayfield believes everyone should have access to the skills and knowledge they need to succeed
We provide accredited, trusted training to individuals and businesses across the UAE and the world. Offering over 300 courses and certifications in areas such as project management, IT and business, our training lets you learn using whichever method you prefer – virtual, classroom, online or onsite. No matter what method you choose, we aim to provide learning which is professional, enjoyable and engaging.
Our Mission
We aim to make quality learning affordable and accessible to all. We do this by selling to over one hundred locations around the world and hiring skilled, motivated trainers to deliver a complete and fulfilling learning experience.
From initial enquiry to post-course follow-up, we seek to deliver excellent and thoughtful service which is attentive to your needs, whether you are an individual customer looking to advance your career or part of a business looking to upskill its staff.
In this one day workshop we look at change warts and all, and look to understand what the resistance to change is and why some change is such an uphill struggle with so many of our colleagues.
We have created the HR consultant level 5 apprenticeship to ensure that the programme reflects the most current needs and best practice of the industry.
Understand how a structured approach to recruitment and selection will give you greater confidence and an improved likelihood of selecting the right person. We are currently offering specific courses and resources aimed at any hiring manager at UoB to give you the necessary knowledge
You’ll focus on real-life scenarios, acquiring core behaviours derived from the CIPD’s new Profession Map, which is based on the cumulative insights of thousands of experts. CIPD qualifications set the international standard for people professionals.
This course will cover the impact change has, how to help staff to deal with the change, and some of the practical strategies for successfully plan a change process.
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