This course explores how the use of coaching at work evolved and the different ways in which coaching can today be used effectively in the workplace to develop personal and professional capabilities / competencies, with individuals and teams. It also evaluates coaching's potential for underpinning s
Short Description
Over recent years, coaching has become one of the most popular human resource development interventions within organisations.
This course explores how the use of coaching at work evolved and the different ways in which coaching can today be used effectively in the workplace to develop personal and professional capabilities / competencies, with individuals and teams. It also evaluates coaching's potential for underpinning strategic and cultural change across organisations.
This course introduces different coaching models and encourages students to critically evaluate them. It helps students to develop the core skills, behaviours and mind-set upon which coaching depends, working with other students to practise these skills. The course will be a compelling blend of taught input, directed reading and experiential practice sessions (both as coach and as person being coached).
Course Aims
The course aims to:
Develop students' knowledge and understandings of coaching as a means of individual, professional and organisational development
Familiarise students with the different ways in which coaching can be implemented and used in the workplace
Help students appreciate the potential of coaching for supporting strategic and organisational change
Encourage students to critically evaluate and strategically select different coaching approaches and strategies for using coaching according to analysis of organisational and individual needs
Sensitise students to the core skills behaviours and mindsets underpinning the practice of coaching
Provide structured practice to help students develop appropriate coaching skills.
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course
By the end of the programme students will be able to:
Critically analyse what coaching is and what distinguishes coaching it from other interventions e.g. mentoring, training or counselling.
Critically appreciate the different approaches to coaching
Critically reflect on the use of different coaching models used in the workplace.
Continually improve coaching as an HR/OD intervention in areas such as:commissioning coaching work; developing coaching capability; building a coaching culture and using coaching to enable strategic change.
Critically evaluate coaching interventions within organisational settings
Reflexively apply core coaching skills in their capacity as HRM/D professionals
About us
Organisation Development is an approach that puts people at the heart of change, emphasises creativity and innovation, and positively affects organisational performance. The OD Team uses complementary and disparate specialisms working together to deliver the University aims and aspirations.
Our Employee Development interventions improve the leadership, people management and personal effectiveness of University staff as individuals.
Our Organisation Development interventions develop and improve the system (culture, strategy, structure and process) of the University, growing organisational capability through alignment of strategy, structure, management processes and people.
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