Economics is the study of economic systems relating to the behaviour of individuals, organisations and governments in both national and international contexts, in the pursuit of wealth and financial well-being.
Economics is the study of economic systems relating to the behaviour of individuals, organisations and governments in both national and international contexts, in the pursuit of wealth and financial well-being.
Areas covered include; economic policy and the operation of free-market economy mechanisms; the regulation of a free-market system including issues relating to market failure and government intervention; competition, production, pricing, costs and revenue in a variety of national, European and international contexts.
Economics at A Level and beyond is a highly theoretical discipline that attempts to analyse market activity & behaviours and the impact of economic regulation in order to predict future market trends
A Level Economics will be likely be a suitable subject for students who are interested in issues such as the impact of leaving the EU on the British economy and prosperity of the UK, gender and racial inequality in the workplace, and differences in the prosperity of nations.
A Level Economics combines well with other A Level subjects such as Maths, Business and any of the wider Social Sciences, including Politics and Philosophy.
There is strong demand in the national workplace and global labour market for highly numerate graduates, and the transferable analytical and problem-solving skills that students of A Level Economic students will develop are also highly valued.
We offer full-time courses for school leavers including A Levels and vocational qualifications, full-time Access to Higher Education courses, part-time adult professional development, entry level and recreational courses as well as full and part-time degree level study.
Much time will be spent applying economic concepts. There is regular homework to check understanding. The course will also develop numeracy and communication skills.
Assessment for the first year of the two-year course is split into two papers, the operation of markets and market failure and the national economy in a global context. The second year comprises of three papers which cover markets and market failure, national and international economy and economic ...
Assessment for the first year of the two-year course is split into two papers, the operation of markets and market failure and the national economy in a global context. The second year comprises of three papers which cover markets and market failure, national and international economy and economic ...
Assessment for the first year of the two-year course is split into two papers, the operation of markets and market failure and the national economy in a global context. The second year comprises of three papers which cover markets and market failure, national and international economy and economic ...
This thought-provoking course offers the opportunity to learn about the latest economic theories and practices in the context of different economic issues both nationally and internationally.
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