This accredited qualification further expands on the fundamentals of the Level 2 Award in HACCP Manufacturing.
This accredited qualification further expands on the fundamentals of the Level 2 Award in HACCP Manufacturing.Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 requires that ‘those responsible for the development and maintenance of the HACCP principles have received adequate training in the application of the HACCP principles’.
In order for employees to deal competently and confidently with this requirement, a thorough understanding of Codex HACCP principles is needed.Those achieving this qualification will understand how the 12 Codex steps to HACCP contribute to safe food production.
The Level 3 Award in HACCP for Food Manufacturing (QCF) has been developed specifically for insertion into the Qualifications and Credit Framework, with full support from Improve, the Sector Skills Council for the food and drink manufacturing industry in the UK.
It is therefore fully compliant with industry and regulatory standards, as well as being recognized by environmental health practitioners, auditors and other enforcement officers. Individuals achieving this qualification will understand the importance of adapting HACCP principles for product-based and process-led situations.
This qualification is achieved by taking a 2 day course and assessed through a 1 hour, 30 question multiple choice examination. Learners must achieve 18 correct answers in order to pass, and they will receive a merit if a mark of 24 is achieved.
Welcome to UK Training, and thank you for visiting! We are a Northamptonshire based training provider, offering vocational qualifications and training courses for both individuals and corporations. We’d like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit more about what we do, and the ways in which we can help you.
UK Trainng was set up when we identified a need for an accessible, local training provider that was able to deliver accredited compliance training and vocational qualifications to both individual employees, and larger workforce teams.
As businesses and employers today increasingly understand the value of offering formal training and qualifications to their workforces and acknowledge the importance of investing in the career development of their staff, the demand for vocational training and the qualifications that accompany it has risen exponentially.
Today, many industries require staff to be trained and certified in order to be permitted to work within certain roles, as well as recognising the direct value of investing in improving the skills of their staff.
However, many companies, and also individuals who wish to increase their skillset to make themselves more appealing to employers often have difficulty finding an accredited training provider that offers a comprehensive, fully inclusive service comprising of the necessary skill training and formal certifications that they need in order to progress.
UK Training bridges the gap between the demands and desires of corporations and individuals to upskill and attain workplace qualifications, and the previous lack of availability of training and certification in vocational skills that are directly relevant to mandatory vocational qualifications, and additional work-based skills
Today, we are a leading training provider in the Northamptonshire area for work-based vocational skills and qualifications, and legal compliance training for both individuals who wish to attain vocational qualifications to help them to advance in their careers, and also, larger workforces that need to offer formal training and certification to their staff in order to enable them to fulfil their working roles.
UK Training offers a comprehensive range of training courses and accredited compliance qualifications for employees working in a wide range of industries including, but not limited to, the private security sector, customer service, food service, the hospitality industry, and many more!
Ultimately, our intention is to grow and expand our training and certification portfolio to include an ever-wider range of courses, as dictated by the needs of our clients, and future updates and changes to the existing regulations regarding industry-specific certification and staff training.
To find out more about the courses and qualifications that we offer for both individuals and complete workforces, or for an informal chat about how you or your business can benefit from investing in your workforce’s core skills, contact us now without obligation:
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