Npors Safety At Street And Roadworks

by Training Unlimited Claim Listing

To provide the practical skills and safety knowledge necessary for candidates to correctly prepare and safely arrange for Signing, Guarding & Lighting, ensuring safety at road and streetworks.

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img Duration

6 Hrs

Course Details

Course Overview

To provide the practical skills and safety knowledge necessary for candidates to correctly prepare and safely arrange for Signing, Guarding & Lighting, ensuring safety at road and streetworks.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state that The law requires:
All work associated with establishing, altering, maintaining and removing static traffic management systems needs to be undertaken in ways that ensure the health and safety of both workers and road users.

In addition to highway legislation such as the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (TSRGD), clients and their agents, designers, contractors and workers need to ensure that they comply with their duties under health and safety law.

This requires that duty holders assess work-related risks and eliminate, reduce and control significant risks, so far as is reasonably practicabl

Course Content

  • Responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and other relevant legislation and guidelines
  • New roads & street works act 1991 and ACOP
  •  Chapter 8 of the DOT traffic signs manual
  • Basic principals for safe street works
  • Pre operational equipment checks
  • Prepare work area
  • Site layout, equipment needed, sign lighting & reflectorisation
  • Traffic control, foot ways, prepare 30mph carriageways, 40mph carriageways & dual carriageways
  • Working near pedestrian crossings, road junctions, level crossings, and roundabouts and other layouts e.g. T junctions
  • End of shift checks
  • Liverpool Branch

    Hanover Buildings, 11-13 Hanover St, Liverpool

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