Open-Pit Mine Planning and Design

by Enterprises University of Pretoria Claim Listing

The Open-Pit Mine Planning and Design short course provides you with a comprehensive look into the basics and key elements of planning and designing a surface mine that uses open-cut or open- cast mining techniques.


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Course Details

The Open-Pit Mine Planning and Design short course provides you with a comprehensive look into the basics and key elements of planning and designing a surface mine that uses open-cut or open- cast mining techniques.

The course specifically focuses on aspects of the geological resource model right through to the reserve statement and all aspects of the open-pit mine value chain.

Not only will you be equipped with a basic theory of open-pit mine design and its application, but you will also receive the opportunity to interact with and gain practical know-how from experts and peers in the field of mining.


Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, you will have a better understanding of the open pit mine planning process.

The detailed outcomes would be reached as presented in the industry syllabus, however on a broader base, the course will be aimed at developing the candidates abilities in the six cognitive levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Thus, when being examined on the topics detailed in this syllabus, candidates would be able to demonstrate their capacity for:

  •     Comprehending and understanding the general Open Pit Planning and Design engineering principles covered in this syllabus and applying these to real orebodies and optimising the mine designs.
  •     Applying fundamental scientific knowledge, comprehension and understanding to predict the behaviour of mine layouts in terms of the different types of risks in real world mining environments.
  •     Performing creative procedural design and synthesis of short term planning and support systems to control and influence production scheduling processes.
  •     Understanding the greater picture in the total value chain process and the overall evaluation thereof.
  •     Communicating, explaining and discussing the reasoning, methodology, results and ramifications of all the above aspects in a professional manner at all levels.


Course Content

The value chain incorporated into the course consists of:

  •     Geological resource, drill samples, ore body models and block modelling
  •     Pit optimisation
  •     Physical pit design E
  •     quipment optimisation and requirements P
  •     roduction schedule
  •     Mining cost modelling, mining capex and opex
  •     Reserve statement


Sub-topics, incorporated into the value chain, discussed during the course will include the following:

  •     Key factors to consider in pit design and design criteria
  •     Modelling techniques and calibration
  •     Drilling and blasting for stable pit walls
  •     Mine water risk in slope stability
  •     Monitoring and maintaining open pit slopes
  •     Assessing the risks with open pit mining
  • Hatfield Branch

    140 Lunnon Rd, Hatfield, Pretoria

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