Determine the magnitude of the problem. . Plan a response within the capabilities of personnel and equipment.
To train the Hazmat responder to a level that they can:
. Determine the magnitude of the problem.
. Plan a response within the capabilities of personnel and equipment.
. Implement the planned response to achieve a favorable outcome.
. Evaluate progress of actions to insure response objectives are met safely, effectively, and efficiently as per NFPA 471 Recommended Practice for Responding to Hazardous Materials Incidents, and NFPA 1072 Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications.
Target Group
All persons who in the line of duty may respond to or encounter a hazardous material release and take defensive actions to lessen potential harm.
Classroom lectures, paper exercises, and practical exercises. There is a certification exam.
Certification for this course is through the Nova Scotia Professional Qualifications Board.
During this unprecedented time we understand the need to stay physically distant so we adapted our program delivery so that you can continue to receive the training you want. Check out the programs we are now offering through distance or self-paced learning.
We're resuming both on-site and off-site classes with appropriate precautions so that we can comply with the health authority requirements while ensuring a safe training environment for our staff and students.
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