Tap has evolved as an American dance form, popularised throughout the world, with debate about its origins coming from African dance, Irish dance and/or clog dancing.
Tap has evolved as an American dance form, popularised throughout the world, with debate about its origins coming from African dance, Irish dance and/or clog dancing.
The dancer uses their feet to strike the floor, beating out different rhythms, with dancers wearing tap shoes, which have small metal plates on the toe and heel to give the distinctive sound. Tap dance is a theatrical art form often seen on stage in musicals.
Dancesteps Studio is a Malaysian based dance academy, which offers classes in several dance genres including Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz.
Our tap classes follow the ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers Dancing) syllabus, and like ballet, we introduce tap at a young age starting with Pre-Primary and Primary Tap then moving on through to Grade 6 and lastly followed by the Vocational Grades – Inter Foundation & Intermediate.
Tap dance is a form of dance characterized by using the sounds of taps shoes striking the floor as a form of percussion. The tap class aims to teach dancers how to be more rhythmically inclined movers.
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