Tax Class, Company Income Tax & Commercial Accounting

by Nicole Accounting Claim Listing

Company Tax Preparation is the most complex and difficult part of TAX. In comparison, BAS and GST are relatively easy. If you have browsed the job ads of AA (Assistant Accountant) and FA (Financial Accountant).


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img Duration

4 Hours

Course Details

The Company Income TAX practical training course is divided into three sessions. They are Company Tax  Return preparation and Lodgment.

Company Tax Preparation is the most complex and difficult part of TAX. In comparison, BAS and GST are relatively easy. If you have browsed the job ads of AA (Assistant Accountant) and FA (Financial Accountant), you can see Company Income tax return is a very important part of the daily work of an AA and FA. Many companies, especially large companies, require you to prepare Company income tax return or assisting with Tax return and tax compliance.

Our Company Income  tax return and training is aimed at medium to large-sized companies. We will cover more complex tax calculation methods and methods for medium and large companies, which is different from the tax return of small accounting firms for small businesses.

Our training style has always been to teach everyone the process and procedures in practical accounting work, and to pass on all the real materials at work so that students can start operating immediately. 

Our tax courses will also be different from Uni's theory. It is to give everyone a platform with practical and relevant working experience, so that everyone can know and master the practical operations of accounting and taxation in all companies. 

Our practical TAX training will definitely add a bright touch to everyone's resume, make everyone more confident in the interview, and allow everyone to strategize and cope with it at work.

Get the comprehensive knowledge you need to prepare company's Income Tax return with our practical tax training module.



  • Income
    • Revenue
    • Gross interest
    • Assessable government industry payments
    • Fringe benefit employee contributions
  • Expenses
    • Cost of sales
    • Contractor, sub-contractor and commission expenses
    • Superannuation expenses
    • Bad debts
    • Rent expenses
    • Interest expenses
    • Royalty expenses
    • Depreciation expenses
    • Loans to shareholders and their associates
    • Total salary and wage expenses
    • Non-deductible expense
    • FBT
  • Tax Losses
    • Tax losses carried forward to later income years
  • Sydney Branch

    Suite 803/250 Pitt St, Sydney

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