Learn how to design and think critically and build community as a sustainable fashion enthusiast.
Ever wonder who made your clothes and where they come from? Are you interested in understanding more about the impact what you choose to wear has on the world? Learn how to design and think critically and build community as a sustainable fashion enthusiast.
The fashion industry influences both human and environmental resources in many ways. Apparel giants employ nearly half a billion workers worldwide, depend on energy and petroleum for their fabrics and factories, and rely on agriculture for leather, wool and cotton supplies.
With the prevalence of fast fashion and the entry of recent mega-brands into the market, fashion has the potential to have a significant impact on the world.
Expect energetic discussions on fashion as a force for change. Look forward to exploring fashion’s social and psychological impact on consumers.
Plan to search out brands making a positive change on the mental health of consumers and the health of the planet.
At The School of The New York Times, we translate the knowledge and practices of The New York Times into educational experiences for diverse learners.
We encourage analytical curiosity while helping students sharpen important life skills and values such as equity, critical thinking, information literacy and the pursuit of truth.
Our educational programs explore important issues in media, business, politics, arts, culture, technology and other real-world subject matter.
Throughout our curricula we make a point of the importance of facts, fact-checking and sharing the truth. All of our courses are designed to help students develop the skills, values and competencies that will broaden their horizons and guide their educational and professional paths.
You will learn Rag Quilting basics while making a warm & cozy quilt for Winter. This is a quilt-as-you-go pattern & easy to adjust to fit your needs. Stop by the store & get yours to do some pre-cutting before class.
We teach two beginning knitting workshops. Just the Basics (101) will teach you the knit and purl stitch and you will create a scarf. In Beyond the Basics (102) you will expand on your knowledge of the knit and purl stitch and learn how to cast on, bind off, yarn over, I-cord and seaming as you ...
9 Heads Fashion Notebook - Women's or Men's Fashion by Nancy Riegelman is the perfect outlet for designers everywhere striving to illustrate a collection of 'flats' involving women's garments and accessories.
Nancy Riegelman introduces her book Colors For Fashion. This book teaches the skills and techniques that enable new ideas for fashion to be communicated with precision and flair, showing the way forward for a new generation of fashion designers.
The Mood U 6-Week Beginner Sewing Course for Adults is a set of six (6) consecutive weekly in-store classes designed to teach you basic home-sewing machine operating skills, pattern layout, fabric cutting, sewing construction, and finishing techniques.
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