Turkish Language is offered by Tutors and Exams. Tutors & Exams have specialised in Language assessments since its inception. We understand the difficulty many private candidates encounter in finding a suitable examination venue exam centre that can accommodate the Speaking component of language.
Turkish Language is offered by Tutors and Exams. Tutors & Exams have specialised in Language assessments since its inception. We understand the difficulty many private candidates encounter in finding a suitable examination venue exam centre that can accommodate the Speaking component of language assessments.
Please be aware that language assessments are usually carried out during April and May and need to be conducted within your local Tutors & Exams centre. Unfortunately, you cannot choose the date for assessment as it will depend on tutor availability on the day.
Tutors & Exams is staffed by colleagues who, collectively, have over 100 years of experience working within the education sector. The senior management team, headed by company founders Jenny & Chris Spraggett, have formerly been employed as managers for Awarding Organisations, Exams Officers at large comprehensive schools or have worked within corporate environments.
Our assessment services are primarily aimed at those outside of mainstream education e.g. Home Educated learners, Private Candidates and we strive to make your examination experience the best it can possibly be.
Since the organisation was first established in 2014, headquartered in Coventry, we now have a network of exam centres nationwide with more planned to open in the coming years. All of our exam centres are close to major transport hubs (road/rail) with nearby parking facilities, and in the locality of amenities (cafe’s etc) where chaperones are able wait while examinations take place.
Turkish is the major member of the Turkic language family, which is a subfamily of the Altaic languages. Turkish is spoken in Turkey, Cyprus, and elsewhere in Europe and the Middle East. Modern Turkish is the descendant of Ottoman Turkish and its predecessor, so-called Old Anatolian Turkish.
Turkish language course is offered by The Language Centre for all skill level. We have courses from beginners to very advanced students, taught by experienced native speakers or teachers who have spent part of their lives in one of the countries where the language is spoken.
Our Turkish speakers, fully qualified to teach their native tongue, can train you and, if need be, the rest of your group at a time that is suitable to you, at your home or place of work.
Turkish course is offered by Careli Language Services. Our courses are taught by highly qualified and experienced teacher who are extremely dedicated to ensuring you leave with all the necessary skills to broaden your horizons and never be lost for words again.
Learn like you have never learned before in a relaxed, fun environment. Your experience on this course will be so far removed from traditional classroom learning that it will feel more like a fun two hours spent with a group of friends than a language class.
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