Urdu Language is offered by Tutors and Exams. Tutors & Exams have specialised in Language assessments since its inception. We understand the difficulty many private candidates encounter in finding a suitable examination venue exam centre that can accommodate the Speaking component of language.
Urdu Language is offered by Tutors and Exams. Tutors & Exams have specialised in Language assessments since its inception. We understand the difficulty many private candidates encounter in finding a suitable examination venue exam centre that can accommodate the Speaking component of language assessments.
Please be aware that language assessments are usually carried out during April and May and need to be conducted within your local Tutors & Exams centre. Unfortunately, you cannot choose the date for assessment as it will depend on tutor availability on the day.
Tutors & Exams is staffed by colleagues who, collectively, have over 100 years of experience working within the education sector. The senior management team, headed by company founders Jenny & Chris Spraggett, have formerly been employed as managers for Awarding Organisations, Exams Officers at large comprehensive schools or have worked within corporate environments.
Our assessment services are primarily aimed at those outside of mainstream education e.g. Home Educated learners, Private Candidates and we strive to make your examination experience the best it can possibly be.
Since the organisation was first established in 2014, headquartered in Coventry, we now have a network of exam centres nationwide with more planned to open in the coming years. All of our exam centres are close to major transport hubs (road/rail) with nearby parking facilities, and in the locality of amenities (cafe’s etc) where chaperones are able wait while examinations take place.
We offer courses in eleven different languages at a range of levels from complete beginner (Level 1) through to Advanced Conversation.
Urdu language is a member of the Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-European family of languages. It is spoken by more than 100 million people, predominantly in Pakistan and India. It is the official state language of Pakistan.
We want every child to understand and be familiar with the Urdu Language. Each child should be able to confidently and effectively communicate in the Urdu Language. The Urdu School Service uses a balanced curriculum and the teachers incorporate core words and phrases used in day to day life.
Are you looking to learn a new language and immerse yourself in a new culture? Study a part-time course in Urdu with us. Learn everyday and key phrases in a positive and relaxed environment.
Urdu language is offered by Intuition Centre. Intuition Exam Centres has assessed more than 10 language A Levels, GCSE and iGCSE’s to date. The list includes; Arabic, Cantonese, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Mandarin, Panjabi, Spanish and Urdu.
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