Get a strong grounding in Internet technologies and the skills to develop Internet applications. Learn how to create and validate interactive web pages using mark-up and scripting languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Get a strong grounding in Internet technologies and the skills to develop Internet applications. Learn how to create and validate interactive web pages using mark-up and scripting languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The course also covers techniques in creating a responsive web design for multi-devices.
Established as an institution of higher learning in 1992, Nanyang Polytechnic's (NYP) academic schools offer quality education and training through more than 40 full-time diploma courses and common entry programmes.
NYP also has a full suite of continuing education and training (CET) options for lifelong learning, ranging from specialist and advanced diplomas, to SkillsFuture modules and courses.
NYP's Asian Culinary Institute and the Singapore Institute of Retail Studies are CET institutes set up in partnership with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to champion and transform Singapore's F&B and retail sectors respectively.
A third NYP CET institute - the National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning - also set up in collaboration with SSG, will spearhead the development of progressive workplace learning strategies and programmes for companies here.
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