Coeliac New Zealand Incorporated is a not-for-profit organisation that formed as an incorporated society in 1973 to promote the welfare of children and adults who have been medically diagnosed with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. We are a registered charity listed with the New Zealand Charities Commission.
Our Vision:
People with Coeliac Disease live healthy lives every day
Our Mission:
Coeliac New Zealand Incorporated (CNZ) is a relevant accessible organisation, that raises awareness, provides support, information and resources to people who must follow a gluten free diet, their whanau and the wider community.
CNZ supports research, education, and initiatives for those working in the health sector to aid diagnosis and treatment of coeliac disease.
CNZ is an agent for change to support our vision.
Our Objectives are to:
Five goals in our current strategic plan reflected our continued priorities are:
Advocacy and Awareness
Effective Service Delivery
Support Research and Initiatives
Organisational Sustainability
The training covers all aspects of what is involved in serving safe gluten-free (GF) food, from choosing ingredients, storage, food preparation, and cooking right through to serving customers and labelling your menu.
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