Common Unity is a community-based urban development project. We grow food, skills, leadership and enterprise. We always welcome help, input and ideas to grow food, create enterprise and support one another. Repurposing donated fabrics and textiles into brand new useful and beautiful things.
Common Unity Project Aotearoa started off as a community māra kai (food garden) at a local kura (school) and grew through the natural leadership and aroha of the Māmā’s, tāmariki (children) and whānau of our community.
After over 10 years of serving communities throughout Te Upoko o te Ika a Māui, our grassroots kaupapa continues to ensure every child has a village, a well equipped connected community that cares.
At Sew Good we are all about expressing creativity through our crafts and embracing sustainable living. Join the Sew Good Collective at our weekly meetings at The Remakery, or purchase items from The Remakery Grocer or online shop to support our cause and our community.
We love visits from home sewists and corporate groups who are welcome to come and sew with us, or teach us new skills.
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