In Ju Jutsu one learns the science of unbalancing, leverage, utilisation of ki(or mental control of physical force), the art of rolling and break falling without damage to one’s body, the controlling and subduing of an attacker and other logical, well thought out methods of using one’s body to avoid attack or harm. In other words, turning an unfavourable situation in which we find ourselves into a position of advantage. Is it not so in daily life? Instead of the mental stress of worrying about the misfortune of a potentially damaging or negative situation, to be able to focus one’s mental and physical powers on ways to change the position to one of advantage. So I have found that Ju Jutsu is in essence an application of the precept ‘accept and survive’.
Looking back at my own early years in Australia (1952-1963), self defence was often considered a rather peculiar and odd thing to do. The term “judo” was known by some, but most people had not even heard of “karate” or “kung fu”, let alone “Ju Jutsu.” My expressed intention to make the teaching of this art into my living was almost always met with doubt, if not ridicule. The idea that anyone could teach an oriental self defence professionally was not considered possible. However, I had the confidence that I could and would do this. When I did make it my full-time occupation in 1963, to the best of my knowledge I was the only full-time martial arts instructor in Australia. Nowadays of course, martial arts is a normal activity and many of us can make it into our living, but I still recall the early years and would encourage younger people to: “believe in yourself, work hard, focus on your goal and don’t give up”.
Are you in Perth and interested in learning a new skill that can bring balance to your body and mind? Discover the transformative power of Tai Chi at the Jan de Jong Martial Arts Academy. Our Tai Chi classes in Perth, Western Australia, are meticulously designed to guide you on a journey of self-im...
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