Lasting Layers of Beauty Institute

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3 Courses Offered

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Closed On: Public Holidays Only
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Enter into the LLOBI, your beauty destination awaits you. Rather your seeking services, desiring to be an industry professional, or teaching your craft, look no further. You have arrived to Lasting Layers Of Beauty where we are more than just a school, we are an Institution of beauty groomed from the inside out.

Start your journey today with an investment into your tomorrow. Every "layer" of knowledge and instruction will add to an Already Beautiful You.

  • Atlanta Branch

    2260 Northlake Pkwy Ste, Atlanta

Courses offered by Lasting Layers of Beauty Institute


Nail Technician

Start your journey today with an investment into your tomorrow. Every "layer" of knowledge and instruction will add to an Already Beautiful You.

by Lasting Layers of Beauty Institute

Esthetician Program

Start your journey today with an investment into your tomorrow. Every "layer" of knowledge and instruction will add to an Already Beautiful You.

by Lasting Layers of Beauty Institute

Cosmetology Program

Start your journey today with an investment into your tomorrow. Every "layer" of knowledge and instruction will add to an Already Beautiful You.

by Lasting Layers of Beauty Institute

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