NYU Economics, housed within the division of Arts & Sciences, is one of the world’s leading economic research departments. With a faculty operating on the frontier of knowledge about markets, data, psychology and their all-important interaction, it is consistently ranked as one of the top departments for academic study in economics. Members of the faculty have been honored by the National Academy of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Econometric Society, the Sloan Foundation, and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
A master’s degree in economics is an increasingly essential tool in a global economy. The M.A. program in Economics at New York University is one of the most rigorous in the country. It will give you a solid background in advanced economics and enable you to upgrade your skills in applied economi...
Given the sequential nature of the economics major, students are strongly advised to begin the major as early as possible. Normally, at least six full semesters are required to complete the major. Since prerequisites for each course in the sequence are strictly enforced, it is not possible for stud...
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