Established in 2011, Soul Garden Counselling provides professional counselling services, psychological assessment and psychotherapy to the public and giving assistance in solving various problems such as children and adolescents developmental issues, family issues, emotional issues, career planning, depression and suicidal problem. In addition, we also offer a variety of guidance class such as interpersonal skills enhancement training, self-confidence enhancement class, intimacy communication learning class and parental training to help people from different ages to encounter challenges in life.
In order to increase the accessibility of our service to the client from all around Malaysia, Soul Garden Counselling had added email counselling and phone counselling services in year 2018. Presently, our centre will actively launch workshops and guidance classes that focus on different topics to promote public awareness of mental health care.
Mission and Vision
Preventive psychology course. Covers four major themes, namely: emotional management, self-awareness, interpersonal relationships, and problem solving.
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