Srijan Counselling Services provides holistic mental wellness and development programs for individuals, families, and groups. We believe in “Happy Mind and Happy Life” as the mind channelizes our thoughts and processes the information in a way that we want to interpret and see.
Having a healthy mind and right approach will help us redesign our thinking pattern, maintain balanced feelings and emotions, manage stress, encourage active learning and social connect. Leading a balanced life leads to a healthy life.
Srijan Counselling Services is a preferred partner for providing preventive mental health and mental wellness programs. We organize mental wellness awareness and education campaigns through social media, personal contact programs, employee assistance programs, community development, and individual sessions.
Our focus is on educating people on mind management, thinking patterns, behavior modification, emotional balance and maintain a happy and healthy relationship.
Professional Expertise
Our professional expertise is supportive in empowering and engaging individuals as well as employees to make healthy lifestyle choices. This is easily adopted by them and is seen in practice due to the relevant tools, resources, and knowledge provided by us in a supportive environment.
Focussed & Result Oriented Approach
Our approach will result in a significant positive impact on personal and professional life; physical and mental health; maintain emotional and balanced relationships with people.
Teenage is the most crucial and productive phase of life. These days teens are confused and distracted with many things. They believe in seeing and hearing the same things and questioning the basics. They wanted everything to be proved or reasoning is a must.
Emotional and Behavioral disorders are commonly known as EBD. Behavioral disorders are very common among school students and one of the major causes of disciplinary and academic problems.
The research says depression is high among women than men. Anxiety and stress are experienced by everyone at some point in life. Stress is life incidents and anxiety is the reaction to that stress and depression is another all long term effect on life.
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