The Bangalore School of Music and Fine Arts (BSM), established in 1987, endeavours to create a united world through the transcendent medium of Music. While its primary focus is the diligent teaching of western classical music to people from all age groups and walks of life, BSM also seeks to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of music through concerts and collaborations.
Undoubtedly the oldest ‘musical instrument’ known to man, the human voice is the originator of the most primal sounds. It is inherently capable of a great variety and range of musical intonations.
The word Piano, a shortened version of the original piano forte - capable of being both ‘soft’ and ‘loud’ -, is believed to have been invented in Italy in the early part of the 18th century.Â
The Guitar’s entry into Classical western music is fairly recent. It became a popular instrument for private recitals with music being written exclusively for it by a small but renowned group of composers from the 19th century on .
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