The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific is collaboration between the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) for research and education programs in global logistics.
This collaboration provides joint logistics expertise which caters to the logistics needs of the industries across the world today focusing on global logistics, information technology, industrial engineering and supply chain management.
In particular, TLI - Asia Pacific has strong ties with the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech and also has a strong relationship with the Faculties of Engineering, Science, Computing and Business in NUS.
This makes for a unique blend of disciplines necessary for the advancement of logistics practice.
The Mission is to be the premier Institute in Asia Pacific nurturing logistics excellence in research and education.
The institute supported by key agencies such as the Economic Development Board and A*STAR, plays a vital role in helping the manufacturing industry and logistics service providers achieve their growth potential by providing training programs for upgrading human resources and helping with innovative logistics solutions using emerging technologies.
The Institute has three major programs:
1- The Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (MSc SCM) program is ideal for mid-career professionals who are keen to advance their careers in logistics.
The integrated program which combines topics from business and engineering will provide students with a comprehensive skill-set for planning, designing and operating modern supply chains in Asia with a global context,
So that graduates from this program will be able to assume positions as logistics executives, supply chain analysts and manufacturing planners.
2- A comprehensive Global Logistics & Supply Chain Research Program in:
Supply Chain Intelligence: This area seeks to focus on providing an overarching analysis of the logistics market, the trade flows, and economic barometers of the various countries in Asia as far as it pertains to effective supply chain management for various industries.
Interest in this area is heavily driven by data, empirics and company cases. The Institute conducts annual on-going surveys to test the pulse of the respective markets and industries such as cold chain, 3PL, etc.
Supply Chain Optimisation: This, being the traditional and existing strength of the Institute, it seeks to deepen expertise in supply chain global network design and optimisation, involving the respective modes of transportation.
Intensive supply network simulation on a regional/ international basis e.g. port and maritime logistics, consolidation of logistics hubs, flexibility of regional distribution centres are a primary feature of this group.
Other areas of interest include system productivity at the port, the integration of manufacturing and services within the value network, dynamic pricing and revenue management for high end perishables, and the study of mergers and acquisition and its impact on the respective industries.
Supply Chain Technology: This is an emerging area for the Institute, which intends to look at the test bedding of RFID and data capture related technologies, within the context of an independent environment.
Work done in this area involves both investigative led research and joint development of supply chain technology based innovation with other agencies and companies.
Policy and implementation issues pertaining to new supply chain technology and the end-to-end supply chain network are undertaken on a contract research basis
3- An extensive Industry Outreach of THINK Logistics and THINK Solutions Forums that complements the research program
Under NUS then Provost Prof Tan Eng Chye's directive and encouragement, and with 10 years of experience running the NUS-GeorgiaTech Double Master Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (DMP), the M.Sc.(SCM) programme was launched in 2011.
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