List of available Teaching Courses in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Teaching courses in Kuala Lumpur are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Teaching Courses from all over Malaysia.
Our train the trainer programme will equip new trainers with a strong foundation in critical training skills and seasoned trainers with new and up-to-date approaches for delivering powerful and impactful training.
Train the Trainer eLearning course is offered by SGS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.GS has developed this course for individuals looking to become trainers or improve their existing skills and deliver effective training sessions.
Train The Trainer course is offered by TC Training Center Certified. Our vision at TC Training Center is to be a leading and distinguished center in the field of training and education in the preparation of trainees in various fields professionally.
Unirazak’s postgraduate diploma in education (pgde) is designed to prepare student teachers with professional knowledge, skills and attributes to function effectively as educators.
Coaching is becoming one of the most powerful tools to drive and sustain employee performance in today's increasingly complex and competitive business environment.
This course prepares the trainers-to-be on the fundamentals of facilitating a class and ensuring professionalism in the delivery of the Registered Financial Planner Course.
Performing at work is much more than just turning up to do a job. But for many this might be what work has become. Your job as a manager/supervisor is to engage your colleagues so that they want to do more, much more than just turn up.
Train the Trainer is a course that is specially designed to help trainers improve their skills for training others. This program will not only improve your skills but will also improve your confidence that is needed to train students with different types of behavior and attitudes.
The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) programme offered by UCSI University is a unique modular programme that aims to provide graduates an opportunity to become teachers, with knowledge and skills in focused areas of educational development.
The program provides an excellent early childhood and classroom management skills for future teachers, as well as professional pedagogical and subject knowledge. Students who have successfully completed this program will be able to identify a suitable teaching and learning approaches for young chil...
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