Are you looking for Python Programming courses in Singapore? Here are the Top 10 Python Programming classes in Singapore.


The course fee for Python Programming training courses in Singapore ranges from S$80 for a 4-hour Python Programming Foundation course, up to S$2568 for a 40-hour Python Fundamentals (for Data & Web) training.

35 course(s) offered by 5 institutes in Singapore

Mages Institute Logo

Python Fundamentals (for Data & Web)

This course aims to teach basic programming skills using Python, including variable types, operations, user input/output, logic, loops, functions, and object-oriented programming.

by Mages Institute
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London School Of Business & Finance (LSBF) Logo

Robotics With Python

The aim of this module is to programme robots using a selected framework in Python. Learners will be able to explore the use of Parsons Problems for learning a Programming Language.

Cheapest by London School Of Business & Finance (LSBF) [ Claim Listing ]

Inspizone Logo

Python Language Course

We will teach you basics of the language syntax and usage, as well as advanced features such as objects, generators, and exceptions. E.g. projects include a normalized database interface and a complete working row application. Some hands-on files accompany the course.

by Inspizone [ Claim Listing ]
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Tertiary Courses Logo

Python Programming Intermediate (NICF)

Python is the most popular programming language used in data analytics and machine learning. Many people have acquired basic Python programming skill at the beginner level such as data types, control structures and functions.

by Tertiary Courses [ Claim Listing ]
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Empire Code Logo

Python With Data Analytics, Machine Learning & Automation

Used by well-known companies such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Microsoft, students can learn how to use Python for data analytics, machine learning and automatic processes at work or home.

Cheapest by Empire Code [ Claim Listing ]

Python Class Logo

Python Programming Course (Beginner)

The comprehensive Python programming course is designed for Python beginners who want to learn Python skills and get better at solving coding problems using Python.

Cheapest by Python Class [ Claim Listing ]
VTeach Logo

Python Programming Introduction

In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of programming in Python, and you'll develop applications to demonstrate your grasp of the language.

by VTeach [ Claim Listing ]
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Intellisoft Logo

Python Training Course

The Python training course provides essential knowledge &  skills to use computational thinking and create simple Python programs yourself. A great course for Beginners to learn Computing with the #1 Programming language, Python in Singapore.

Cheapest by Intellisoft
G-Tec Computer Education Centre Logo

Python Programming

Python Programming Basic course covers the basic concepts on how to represent and store data using Python data types and variables and use conditionals and loops to control the flow of programs.

by G-Tec Computer Education Centre [ Claim Listing ]
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St.Hua Private School Logo

Python 3 Programming

Python is an easy to learn, yet versatile and popular programming language. It is used by major organizations including Google, Yahoo, and IBM. Python is chosen by many as their first programming language because it is concise and easy to read.

Cheapest by St.Hua Private School [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 10

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