List of available Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses in Alberton, South Africa.

The Accounting, Finance and Banking courses in Alberton are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Liderazgo, Alberton
  2. Maccauvlei Learning Academy, Alberton
  3. Panoma Consulting, Alberton

Also, check out all Accounting, Finance and Banking Courses from all over South Africa.

3 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Alberton, South Africa

Liderazgo Logo

Personal Finance Management Programme

The tools and techniques included in this programme have been developed to aid the learner in taking responsibility for themselves and their budget. This intervention is entry level which will be adequate for general workers or young people entering the employment market.

Cheapest by Liderazgo [ Claim Listing ]
Maccauvlei Learning Academy Logo

Finance For Non-Financial Managers

The purpose of this skills programme is to provide learners with a set of skills to manage the finances of their unit as if they are running a mini-business. Learners leaving this course will be able to make critical decisions affecting the financial performance of their unit and the organisation.

Cheapest by Maccauvlei Learning Academy [ Claim Listing ]
Panoma Consulting Logo

Public Finance Management Course

Public Finance Management course is offered by Panoma Consulting. Our academy is accredited as a provider of education and training for the provision of learning programmes with several SETAs.

Cheapest by Panoma Consulting [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 3

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