List of available Early Childhood Education Courses in Durban, South Africa. The Early Childhood Education courses in Durban are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Early Childhood Education Courses from all over South Africa.
The IIE Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education will prepare you to start a career in teaching and facilitation in Early Childhood Education (birth to 4 years).
Lyceum College is at the forefront of training and education in the field of Education Sciences. Its short learning programmes are uniquely structured to meet the demands of the South African society.
By the end of this course, participants should be able to assist an ECD teacher very effectively or even take a group herself if the need arises, provided a basic ECD programme that meets the needs of the learners is put in place.
This excellent twenty module course consists of seventeen modules in year 1 and three in year 2, It is specifically designed to equip teachers of young children, 2 – 6 years of age with the knowledge and skills required to set up, plan for, present & evaluate an excellent ECD programme.
This is an entry-level Qualification for those who want to enter the field of Education, Training andDevelopment specifically within the sub-field of Early Childhood Development (ECD).
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