List of available Teaching Courses in East London, South Africa. The Teaching courses in East London are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Teaching Courses from all over South Africa.
Train the Trainer is a comprehensive SAQA unit standard-based course that covers best practice standards of facilitating learning.
The course deals with training and facilitation techniques, focused on outcomes-based learning principles. Learners are guided to facilitate adult learning. This course is a prerequisite for licensee registration to current selected NOSA courses.
The purpose of the Diploma in Grade R Teaching is to develop teachers who can demonstrate general principles, as well as focused knowledge and skills appropriate for Grade R teaching.
Mentoring & Coaching Skills course is offered by Academic College. The Academic College was established to address the dire training need within the Hospitality Industry; to provide a competent and skilled workforce.
This course is recommended for those with a teaching degree or years of experience teaching or lecturing.
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